Sunday, April 27, 2014

US History Week of 4/28/14

Lectures- Origins Vietnam Conflict, Vietnam Conflict, End of the Conflict

CR- Cartoon Analysis, Photo Analysis (directions in email/moodle)

Activities - Oil Blog #19&20, Website "Tet Offensive" (diections in email/Moodle)

1950's Quiz Friday.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Physical Science Week of 4/28/14

Lectures- Basin and Domes, this is a PP, below the Sophia Lectures-no quiz, show me your notes.

CR- Hotspots, Regents, p.356 Textbook

Activities- Virtual Earthquake-link on Moodle

In your blog create a new post describe the 3 types of unconformities, also show a picture of each.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

US History Week of 4/21/14

Lectures - Changes of 1950's, Popular Culture 1950's- no quiz, these are PP below the Sophia lectures

CR- Automobile Culture

Activities- Oil Blog Readings 15-18, Create a new page on your website- describe three autos or music or film stars of the 1950's. How did these people/items influence Americans in the 1950's.

Blogs and Websites


Some things we have discussed several times in class:
  • Assignments on your blog - you add a POST to your blog, do NOT create a new blog for each assignment
  • Assignments on your website - you add a PAGE to your website, do NOT create a new blog for each assignment.
  • I have a spreadsheet with all your original links for your blogs and websites- this is what I check-
  • This week please check with me to make sure your links are correct-
  • Any assignment submitted in Moodle you do NOT share with me.
  • Only email me if assignments are LATE, then I can go back and grade them

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Physical Science Week of 4/21/14

Lectures- Historical Geology, Principles of Stratigraphy, Sandstone Layers, Transgressions/Regressions
CR- Half-Life Peas, Relative Age Dating, Volcanoes
Activities- Dino Dig and Radioactive Dating Game- submit on Moodle

Review blosg and websites

Friday, April 11, 2014

High Pressure

What a high pressure system looks like over the Gulf of Mexico.

US History Week of 4/14/14

Unit 12 The 1950's

Lectures- Cold War, Cold War Heats Up, Korean War- no quiz, this PP located below Sophia lectures.

Concept Reinforcement- Korean War, Map Analysis

Activities- Nuclear Weapons Google Tour

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Physical Science Week of 4/14/14

Unit 9
Lectures- Volcanoes, Mountain Building, Rabbit Mountain

Concept Reinforcement- 3 packets on Earthquakes

  • Science Blog - Moment Magnitude Chart- import picture, explain what it is.
  • Boxing Day Tsunami- see Moodle, will also share document.
  • Hydrology Website- create new page, describe the difference between a stream, river and lake, be sure to include a picture of each.